Keep your manhood energized with natural remedies!

Sex is part of life. Literally without sex there would not be any life at all in this world. Because human life begins with sex. Even doctors recommend that we should have sex as often as we can, say three to four times a week.
Do you feel stress and cranky all the time? Have sex man! You need it.
In fact there are many suprising benefits of regular sex, and age should not stop you from having sex regularly. Did you know as men getting older, testosterone levels will decline and its declining inteferes with all your masculine traits, such as toughness, dominance, smartness, aggressiveness, in a sexual context- bigger, stronger, longer play, a happy penis! A low testostorone level poses a health risk to men. Men can suffer from symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, even cancer and many others. These are what the doctors are telling us backed by scientific research.
According to a study, regular sex at least twice a week can help prevent men from developing a heart disease by 50% than those who have sex only once a month.
Another studies also indicate that regular sex can help men live longer and have a more active life.
Did you know sex can help relieve migraine and headaches? Sex can get rid off stress and depression and ward off mental illnesses too? This is according to sudies.
Sex is also good to help prevent diseases such as cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that men who had sex at least four times a week were 30% less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who had sex twice a week.
Sex is good for health but it must also be enjoyable. Not by you alone but should be enjoyed by your partner too. It's not really about the length of the penis that concerns women but it's the circumference of the penis that matters. It has to be fat, engorged and strong too. That's what women said when asked on this
big penis-small penis issue.
Good news men. The best way to achieve a healthy sex and enhance your performance without side effects is by taking natural remedies from plants, beans and roots, vegetables and fruits. In today's modern health care setting these natural sex boosters have been packed, wrapped, boxed and bottled and they are what we called today as supplements, vitamins, healthy drinks and many others.
So men if you ever feel depressed , try having sex. It helps. Try it yourself.
Hey guys, did you know men could lower the risk of erectile dysfunction if they drink two to three cups of coffee everyday?
Smith, G.E., et al. "Sex and death: Are they related? Findings from the Caerphilly Cohort Study." British Medical Journal. December 20-27, 1997. 315, 1641-4. 3 Persson, G."Five-year mortality in a 70-year-old urban population in relation to psychiatric diagnosis, personality, sexuality and early parental death."Acta Psychiatrica.1981 Sep;64 (3):244-53.
Nicolosi, Alfredo, et al. "A population study of the association between sexual function, sexual satisfaction, and depressive symptoms in men." Journal of Affective Disorders. 82, 235-43. Evans, R.W. and Couch, J.R. "Orgasm and migraine." Headache. 41, 512-4. Nicolosi, Alfredo, et al. "A population study of the association between sexual function, sexual satisfaction, and depressive symptoms in men." Journal of Affective Disorders. 82, 235-43. Stiefelhagen, S. "The social-erotic services." Presentation in the Symposium on Sexuality,
Role of caffeine intake on erectile dysfunction in US men: results from NHANES 2001-2004, David Lopez, et al., PLOS ONE,
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123547, published online 28 April 2015.